Tweets from Beyond

Tweets from Heaven As I gaze at the photo taken of my parents the week of their deaths, I imagine they’re in a Harry-Potter-esque animated photo. They’re happy and waving from the bow of the whale-watching ship. “The weather is beautiful! I saw a humpback before you! See ya soon!”

I also imagine getting text messages. I’d settle for that as one son, who still has a few memories of his grandparents, starts his sophomore year at college and the other son, who has no memories of them, starts his senior year of high school.

I’d retweet @LoydandElleninHeaven’s “I know! We’re watching them and are such proud #grandparents. Love you all.” My dad might tweet,“Visited best celestial golf course today and played a round with Ben Davis.” My mom would give a short report of greeting my Uncle Jack up there.

Better yet, there’d be ones that I’d hide from the kids: “We’re watching. We won’t let him screw up.”

So those of you inventing “Cheerful” iPhones and “smart” watches, could you manage a social network with the hereafter? You’d get tons of Likes.

© Laura Hedgecock 2013

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